Saturday, August 3, 2019

Channel 5 News states,” Uneven Floors Cause Injuries.”

Having uneven floors is the number one injury in young children.
Having an uneven floor can not only cause injuries to children but adults.

Benefits of having your sub-floor replaced are:

  • Prevent deteriorating wood from spreading
  • Prevents injuries

What causes a sagging floor?

You may have foundation issues, improperly installed sub-floor, or joists. 
Many older homes have sagging and sloping floors.
The sooner you get your floors repaired the better it would be, in the long run. 

How do I choose timber flooring?

Your home is one of the biggest investments you will ever make, so take of it. Some repairs just have to be fixed and your floors are one of them. Every home has its problems, but an uneven floor can cause even more problems. Having rotten wood under your home will cause more damage. If you are experiencing sagging floors, floors that shift, bubbling floors, or cracked floors, then it’s time to call a contractor.  

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